Deployment Options
AMI / Docker
Run in your own data center or private network. Connect to all your data sources
- Totally siloed in your network
- OAuth / SSO support
- Access all your private data stores securely
- OLTP, Warehouses, Data Lakes, NoSQL and more.
- AWS Support: S3, S3 Select, RDS, Dynamo DB, Athena, Redshift and more
- Report on Data from web services, Google Sheets, S3, Local files.
- Blazing fast, as always.
- No sharing memory and compute with 100s of others on your analytics server.
- Takes most load off analytics servers.
- Delight your business analysts.
- Zero data reaches our servers. Fully Secure.
- Connects to our servers only for help and documentation
Salesforce App
Reports off your SOQL, List Views, Custom Objects and more
- Create reports from List Views
- Create reports from Custom Objects
- Create reports from Standard Objects
- Create reports from any SOQL Query
- Create reports from any Salesforce Files
- Full sharing rules support for Dashboards and Datasets
- Blazing fast, as always.
- Slice and dice and watch everything re-render in the blink of an eye
- No sharing memory and compute with 100s of others on your salesforce instance
- Data does not leave your salesforce instance and browser
- We store no data, we see no data. As secure as your salesforce implementation
- Connects to our servers only for help and documentation
For SAAS Providers
Provide interactive high speed reports for your clients without breaking your BI server.
- Focus on your offering. Leave the dashboarding to us.
- Integrates effortlessly.
- Full OAuth / SSO support.
- Fully within your VPN.
- Save compute cost on expensive Analytics servers.
- Save administration cost on Analytics servers.
- Provide out of the box reports for your customers.
- Allow your customers to create their own reports.
- Blazing fast, as always.
- No sharing memory and compute with 100s of others on your analytics server.
- Zero data reaches our servers. Fully Secure.
- Connects to our servers only for help and documentation.
Product Features
Pivot and Summary tables
Build Pivot and Summary tables and have them render instantly. See your results faster
Slice and Dice
Incredible progressive relaxation search experience. Slice and dice your data along multiple dimensions and watch everything in near real-time.
Split views
Render the same set of data side by side to compare and contrast along different dimensions
Hierarchy Views
View data in any hierarchy of your choice. Use it as your data browser.
Analytics functions
Ranks, Dense Ranks, Window functions, Top N, Bottom N and more. All on the browser with zero wait times.
Sorting and Scrolling
Scroll through millions of rows with zero lag. Sort on any column with instant results. View data in any hierarchy of your choice. Use it as your data browser.
Drag and Drop Dashboard Builder
Build and share dashboards with a simple drag and drop interface
Print your charts, Email them, Share them, Discuss them (Salesforce Chatter)