Interactive Demos
Interact with these dashboards to get a feel for the speed, interactivity and responsiveness of our platform
Sales Dashboard 1
Slice and dice data any which way.
Sort and drill down.
Use it as your data viewer.
Progressive relaxation search zooms in and out for quick results.
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Marketing Campaigns Dashboard
Don't duplicate your data, export your data, manipulate in external tools.
Live data means instant refresh. Query your data directly.
No data dumps and exports to excel or other external tools.
Save administration anc compute costs on your analytics server.
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Marketing - Leads Dashboard
Dozens of charts and vizualizations.
Pivot Tables, Summary Tables, Hierarchy tables and more.
Instant sort on multiple columns.
Instant distribution charts.
Top N, Bottom N and Binning to Others.
Time Series Vizualizations.
Slice and Dice - Split View.
Rank, Dense Rank and other analtyic functions
No copies means little chance of data leakage and spills.
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